The ‘Quality FM’ (QFM) evaluates quality of movement based on the Stand and Walk/Run/Jump items of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66). It was designed for use with children with cerebral palsy who are age 5 years and up, are ambulatory (i.e., in GMFCS Level I, II or III), and are able to actively follow the GMFM’s administration instructions. TheQFMassessesfivequality of movement attributes: alignment, co-ordination, dissociated movement, stability and weight-shift. The three most appropriate quality attributes have been linked with each GMFM-66 Stand/Walk item. Each quality attribute is scored on a 4-point response scale (0 to 3) using item-specific response options described on theQFMscore form. Scoring is done from review of the child’s GMFM video. Each of the five quality attributes has its own summary score to enable the physical therapist to discern the areas of strength and challenge for purposes of goal setting and intervention planning. TheQFMshould be scored by a pediatric physical therapist who has experience with administering the GMFM-66, and requires 45 to 90 minutes to score from a GMFM videorecording. Certification training is required prior to use of theQFM.
TheQFMwas developed at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) in partnership withCanChild(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) with funding from Bloorview Research Institute and the Physician Services Incorporated. The first phase of validation work was conducted at Child Development Rehabilitation Program at McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada), ErinoakKids (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
If you have not taken the Quality FM Course, you will need to contact Virginia Wright to enrol in the next course before you can access any of the materials.
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gmfm’s administration instructions
4-point response scale
item-specific response options
bloorview research institute
physician services incorporated